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The Truth About Self-Deception - PsyBlog - 1 views

  • Can we pull the wool over our own eyes or do we see through our mind games?
    • smithwillicia_
      Can we tell ourselves a beautiful lie , convince ourself TO BELIEVE THE LIES OR DO WE SEE RIGHT THROUGH OUR SELFS , DO WE KOW DEEP DOWN ITS A LIE 
  • Surely lying to ourselves is counter-productive
    • smithwillicia_
      counter-productive: achieves the opposite result of what you want
  • Like calmly and deliberately shooting yourself in the foot or taking a hot toasting fork and plunging it into your eye?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Any study of self-deception is going to involve a fair amount of bare-faced lying
  • 38 students who were told they were going to take part in a study about the “psychological and medical aspects of athletics”
  • the researchers were going to trick participants into thinking that how long they could submerge their arms in cold water was diagnostic of their health status
  • , when really it showed just how ready people are to deceive themselves

How Height Affects Cause of Death | Taller People Cancer Deaths, Shorter People Heart D... - 0 views

  • taller people more likely to die from cancers, and shorter people more likely to die from heart problems or stroke
    • hakeem1
      - depending on your height can determine the way you are likely to die
  • generally grown taller over time, with an average height increase of 0.27 inches every five years
    • hakeem1
      - every 5 years the norman human may increase 0.27 after a certain age
  • certain causes of death is that height can be a sign of the sum of the health conditions
    • hakeem1
      - your height can be a cause of death because of a health issue.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • A shorter stature can be a sign of malnourishment, chronic infection or chronic diarrhea.
    • hakeem1
      - shortness can show the sign of infections or other health problems
  • taller people are more likely to be hired for jobs
    • hakeem1
      - being tall can offer you many job due to your height 
  • taller people are more likely to be leaner, exercise more and smoke less
    • hakeem1
      - also, being taller can show that you are more in shape and healthier 
  • taller people are more likely to die of many types of cancer is because they tend to have bigger organs, so there is a greater chance that one cell in the organ will become cancerous
    • hakeem1
      - taller people mostly die from cancer because since there are taller they have larger organs, which can become a problem 
    Good job. Can you leave a sticky note with a summary of the article based on your annotations?

Crossing Borders - How Terrorists Use Fake Passports, Visas & Other Identity Documents ... - 0 views

  • The terrorist can physically alter a valid passport -- stolen or purchased from an accomplice -- by changing the picture or biographical data.
    • rowe_rich420
      Terrorists can easily get an valid passport by stealing it or buying it from an accomplice, they just got to change the picture or biographical data
  • At least two of the Sept. 11 attackers used stolen Saudi Arabian passports. Saudi Arabia is a friend of the United States and so using their passport makes it easier to get in at the border."
    • rowe_rich420
      Terrorists from 9/11 stole passports from Saudi Arabian, Their a friend of the U.S so, Saudi Arabian passports make it easy to get in at the border
  • terrorists may be able to purchase an official passport in their own name, or an alias, by bribing a corrupt official or obtaining one in the black market.
    • rowe_rich420
      Terrorists get actual passports in their name by bribing the corrupt official or getting it from the black market.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • And some will get through because the quality is getting so good. The technology of counterfeiting is constantly improving."
    • rowe_rich420
      Agency are trained to get fake passports, but the fake passport quality is getting better, so there trying to improve the technology for reading counterfeit passports/visas
  • falsifying documents, such as birth certificates
    • rowe_rich420
      Birth Certificates are even false just so they can get the passports
  • INS officials say there are so many visas given out around the world that it is impossible to check the backgrounds of every person
    • rowe_rich420
      They can't find out everyones background, because there are too many visas given out in all different countries to millions of people
    I like your use of Synthesis here. Add summary note.

How can I Begin a Career in Radio Broadcasting? (with pictures) - 0 views

  • Often, you can get experience working on a college radio station, although many local stations have jobs available.
    • darieh
      a great place to start you career in at the college radio station
  • communications and media studies classes include
    • darieh
      i was correct by choosing communication and media as a future major. 
  • eer is to research and contact your local radio station
    • darieh
      search and conquer, get right into the station you want to be in but with a smaller job at first. familiarity within the corp. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • work unpaid until you
    • darieh
      taking less to no money at first can help form the relationships that can get you a paying jo in that field. 
  • rtime is a very valuable skill, and any sales training you have will come in handy when applying for this kind of position.
    • darieh
      non-air positions are important to and can be valuable as experience references and resume fillers
    • Charlie Freij
      These are excellent annotations. Leave a short summary of the whole article at the bottom.

How to Tell the Difference Between Real Love and Fantasy | Psychology Today - 1 views

  • How to Tell the Difference Between Real Love and Fantasy
    • taeblazaack
      I think this ariticle is will be about all different types of love relationships or love fantasies
  • As children, we often form a fantasy of what real love looks like. Though we may paint a pretty picture in our minds, this fantasy isn't necessarily built on the admirable qualities we truly desire in a partner.
    • taeblazaack
      this is so true
    • tydab0ss
      shut upppp
  • A fantasy bond is created when two people replace real acts of genuine love, admiration, passion, and respect with the role and ritual of "being" in a relationship.
    • taeblazaack
      what do they mean by role and ritual of "being" in relationship?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • You may think you are being honest in an emotional conversation, but your true feelings c
  • and express it in a way that is sensitive and respectful, and make sure
  • your actions
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Creative Tips for Video Game Designers - 0 views

  • Keep Designing on Paper
  • get the maximum out of the game software.
  • You should also keep this notebook with you when you play other peoples games.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Think about the atmosphere and mood
  • Consider what the overall mood of your game will be. Use music as an inspiration to get you in different moods.
  • Be careful with rewards
  • The constant seeking of the next tiny reward keeps the player moving forward and keeps a goal ahead of him that is achievable.
  • Don't design your game linear
  • Different players like to follow different routes through a game.
  • Expand your horizons
  • This is a great way to get new ideas and to add new dimensions to your existing material. What could a book about porcupines teach you about video game making? Porcupines have an amazing defense system.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes
  • If you are afraid of making mistakes you will not experiment of expand your abilities.
  • Take chances. Sometimes really good ideas and really memorable scenes come from the mistakes.
  • Finally make sure you get honest feedback from friends and people who try playing your game. And take notes.

How to Become a Millionaire - 0 views

  • frugally
    • noloveforthots
      Search definition
  • searching for a common characteristic that could help him in his own quest.
    • noloveforthots
      I could do this
  • what is it going to take for you to become a millionaire?
    • noloveforthots
      Main Idea
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • protecting against those risks through insurance protects wealth.
  • work hard
  • "The harder I work, the luckier I get."
  • too much of it can prevent you from ever becoming one.
    What is your thinking about each of these highlights? What connections, question, comment, inference,etc can you make? Leave a sticky note with a summary of the 7 secrets.

Dieting and Metabolism - 0 views

  • Dieting and Metabolism
  • Dieting and Metabolism
    • Charlie Freij
      i know metabolism is a lll about burning calories. 
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • restricting calories actually prevents our bodies from burning unwanted fat stores effectivel
    • Charlie Freij
      So they are suggesting that starving ourself actually keep us from makes us fat.
  • This mechanism
  • evolved as a defence against starvation
    • Charlie Freij
      So your body begins to hoard fat because it thinks you are going to need it later. 
  • never going below 1,000-1,200 calories a day if you're dieting on your own
    • Charlie Freij
      Never go below 1000 calories a day.
  • Ultimately, muscle burns a lot more calories than fat so when we lose muscle, our metabolic rate drops and we burn fewer calories
    • Charlie Freij
      Muscle burns more calories. SO work out.
  • Fortunately not! The idea that yo-yo dieting permanently lowers your metabolism has been relegated to the archives.
    • Charlie Freij
      Stick with it. even if it fails. Basically, this article is about how you need to exercise and keep eating when you when you want to lose weight. Starving yourself actually works in the opposite way than you want it to. 

Wrinkle creams: Your guide to younger looking skin - Mayo Clinic - 0 views

  • Wrinkle creams: Your guide to younger looking skin
    • mayaeri
      This title makes me think of how I am going to keep my skin resiliant
  • Many wrinkle creams and lotions sold in department stores, in drugstores and on the Internet promise to reduce wrinkles and prevent or reverse damage caused by the sun.
  • you probably won't find it in over-the-counter wrinkle creams.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • wrinkle creams aren't classified as drugs
  • Retinol.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Hydroxy acids.
  • Coenzyme Q10.
  • Tea extracts.
  • Grape seed extract.
  • Niacinamide.
    • mayaeri
      Wrinkle creams are not over the counter. They are made of serious ingredients. And these ingredients have to be in it for it to work
  • Common ingredients in anti-wrinkle creams
    • mayaeri
      When looking for  wrinkle creams they should look for these ingredients

How to Help a Child Deal With Family Stress | Everyday Life - Global Post - 1 views

  • This stress could arise because of problems at home such as problems between his parents or a parent projecting his problems onto a child
    • hakeem1
      - children issues usually starts from problem in their household 
  • parents to recognize when stress is present in a child's life and to provide her with the help he needs to deal with it effectively
    • hakeem1
      - parents should provide their child with help if they are seeing problem, instead of holding it in 
  • If your child does not speak with you about his problems directly, you might have to look for signs that stress is bothering him.
    • hakeem1
      - if your child doesnt share their problems with you, it is helpful that you should look for signs of things that bother them 
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • When dealing with a stressful circumstance, your child might find herself isolated and scared.
    • hakeem1
      - usually when something is bothering your child they would isolate themselves from others 
    • Charlie Freij
      Can you summarize this article based on your annotations?

Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires | - 0 views

  • This isn't a how-to on the accumulation of wealth from a lifetime of saving and pinching pennies. This is about generating multimillion-dollar wealth and enjoying it during the creation process.
    • noloveforthots
      Main Idea
    • Charlie Freij
      get money, not go broke, and still enjoy..
  • . 7: Create Multiple Flows of Income -
  • No. 1: Decide to Be a Multimillionaire
    • Charlie Freij
      quick memoir
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • No. 6: Shift Focus from Spending to Investing
    • kassey1008
      the difference between the two is oct you spend the money is gone investing means to save and double (can be a gamble)
    What is your thinking about each of these highlights? What connections, question, comment, inference,etc can you make? Leave a sticky note with a summary of the 7 secrets.

The Truth About Excess Skin | The Dr. Oz Show - 0 views

  • The Truth About Excess Skin
    • mayaeri
      I predict that the article will be about how being overweight gives you excess skin
  • Where my stomach, legs and arms had previously been distended with fat, there was now some excess skin. Over a period of time, some of this firmed up with concentrated cardio and weight training, but only to a certain point. After 12 years and 4 more babies, it is as good as it’s going to get.
  • Does it bother me? A bit. Would I not have lost the weight had I known about the excess skin? No. It doesn't bother me that much, and the benefits of not weighing 300 pounds certainly outweigh any cosmetic issues. The issues I have are minor compared with the issues
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • There are people who have had gastric bypass surgery and lost tons of weight so quickly that their skin doesn't rebound at all. In those cases, plastic surgery may be a necessity, not just an option.
  • The skin is not attractive externally, but in some ways it reminds me of where I was and where I never want to go again. Don't be frightened by the prospect of excess skin if you have a large amount of weight to lose. If the skin bothers you, cosmetic surgery is an option that although pricey, offers very nice results.
    • mayaeri
      Excess skin is something that comes along with weight loss yes there is skin reducing cream but also there are surgeries that are there but during weight loss there is not much dodging of excess skin

Report warned Riddell that no helmet could prevent concussions but NFL's helmet-maker m... - 0 views

  • Report warned Riddell about helmets
  • biomechanics firm hired
  • company received a warning
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • in 2000
  • by the NF
  • and later by Riddell
  • sent the company a report showing
  • that no football helmet, no matter how revolutionary, could prevent concussions
  • a helmet that
  • passed the industry safety standard for protection
  • against skull fractures and other severe head injuries could leave a player with a 95 percent likelihood of receiving a concussion from a strong enough blow.
  • Colorado lawsuit
  • did not deter Riddell from
  • marketing the helmet as protection against
  • The push to create a better helmet
  • How do you measure concussion protection?
  • Marketing the Revolution

How to Deal With Moving Away From Your Family | Everyday Life - Global Post - 0 views

  • A move can be the start of a new adventure that may lead to better opportunities. However, if this change means moving away from your family, you are likely left with feelings of uncertainty or sadness.
    Keep Annotating

How to Be Successful in Life: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow - 0 views

    Two subjects I enjoyed studying in school was global and law. I really enjoyed global because, I like the study of the things that happened/happens around the world. Law on the other hand is something I want to study in college.

NFL Helmet Manufacturer Warned On Concussion Risk | Concussion Watch | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

  • NFL Helmet Manufacturer Warned On Concussion Risk
  • 95 percent
  • 31 percent less
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Riddell is being sued
  • hired Biokinetics for $500,000
  • The Push to Create a Better Helmet
  • 2009 Congressional hearing.)
  • $3.1 million out of a total of $11.5 million
  • November 2000
  • How Do You Measure Concussion Protection?
  • National Operating Committee fo
  • Standards on Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE)
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